I have been watching what I eat a lot lately. It is no secret that I gained too much weight this last pregnancy, and I have so much to drop. It would be spectacular if I could lose it all by the new year, but alas... I fear that it will only get harder, since I am going o be nursing throughout. Anyway, I have been making some excellent meal. Feast your eyes on more quiche. I am an awesome cook.
Day 352 - 20 June, 2010
Uncle Freddy got Mac these awesome blocks for Christmas.
He loves them.
They stack, they have the alphabet, and they are just way cool in general.
We stack, we alphabet, we knock over, we rinse and repeat.
I have a child genius.
Sans the pants.
Day 353 - 21 June, 2010
I made incredibly cute interchangeable headbands for Aubrey.
In talking with Jen when she came to visit, I have made them look even cuter.
She just adds to all of that cuteness.
These headbands rock!
Day 354, 22 June, 2010
Aubrey now loves a good focal point.
Faces are a baby favorite.
I give you, "focused baby
Isn't she adorable?
The family photos we took at the Botanical Gardens today should be adorable!
Day 355 - 23 June, 2010
We made some rockin jello today.
I just want to take a moment to reflect on how awesome it is to be a mom. I love that they love me. I love that I get to teach them all about what it means to be alive. I love that I get to share the fun things, and to show them what it's all about. I love experiencing. Little things like making jello jigglers that are too fun to eat, this is what it is all about. I really wish that I could quit my job, and do this until my kids are school age. I would be so good at being a mom all the time. But, it doesn't appear to be possible. I love my family more than I can express... As this photo a day project is nearing an end, I note that my original purpose was to delve further outside of my family for inspiration. As I tried to do that, I discovered that my family is truly what inspires me. I am constantly in awe of the beauty of my experiences with them. I hope that I have not bored you all too much with the play by play of our experiences, but I am more enamored with my little ones than I was before. They are amazing to me, and will probably always be the focus of my photos. Some shots have been good, and others not so good... But, I am proud of my family. Moments like jello jigglers make life awesome..
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