Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sorry they're sideways

These first two photos are from Rita's I felt like having ice cream for lunch, and Malcolm so sweetly obliged me. My Realtor told me I needed to be out of the house for a showing between noon and 1:30. It actually turned into after 2 because they didn't get there in time. I did not get to do my 7 mile run. I did not get to do an amazingly killer pumpkin. I did not get my nap. But, someone did look at my house. I did get to spend some quality time with one of my best friends. I did get ice cream for lunch. I did get to stab myself with a scalpel. See? fun all around.

I have a list. A list of all the good people I have found in the world. Genuinely good people. People who will put you first, and set aside themselves for a moment. People who care about your happiness. People who are wholesome, and genuine and good. I keep this list close to me. It is a very short list. I have also been making a list of people I will keep in touch with when I leave. That list is even shorter than my good people list. Some of the good people are on it, and some of the people on my list are still good people, if not the more normal and naturally selfish variety of person.

Tamara and Russell Haines, who I am sure do not waste their time reading things like this blog and who will probably never see this, have made both lists. I am so fortunate to have friends who know that I am having a hard time, and who will allow themselves to be inconvenienced for my sake. I am grateful that they will just say, "it's not a big deal." I am grateful that Tamara will suggest getting pumpkins at her grocery store, or will watch me eat ice cream for lunch and scold me that I need something else because ice cream is not a proper lunch. I am grateful that she will give me a funny look because I really am not very hungry. So sweet. I am grateful that Russell will act concerned when I stab myself in his kitchen because I am hastily carving pumpkins at their place because my house has a DO NOT DISTURB sign on it. I am so grateful that they suggested me carving there, even though they had other things they could be doing for themselves. I am glad that they didn't make a big deal over my wound, although it was a pretty good cut.

The point of my gratitude list is that I am grateful for people like them, and like my wonderful neighbors Merry and Lucas, who have also made both lists, though we have known them the least amount of time of people on both lists, because I know they will care now and 6 months from now when the freshness of this has faded, and it is still just as hard, if not harder. Good people are hard to come by.

I also have a few cute (but sideways) photos from the YMCA kids carnival. Malcolm always asks for a green heart when he gets his face painted. You can thank Kai Lan for that. He also won these hilarious fun glasses. Groucho glasses are a total treasure. I LOVE HALLOWEEN. Oh, I miss Jen. She has also made both lists, though they no longer live here.

I am now addicted to zumba, and though it may end up being just me and Tara, at least I will be at the Y. I think my neighbor Merry would love it, as she is a dancer... I may trick her into coming with me. I have been so busy that I haven't packed much since Tim left... I really can't get myself to think about it. There is just a little stress in my life. I am grateful for my trials. I know what I love and appreciate now more than ever.

Bring on Halloween

We've got the glow in the dark spider shirt.

We've got the bib to coordinate.

Bring on the candy!


I'm a single mom for the next 8 months. While I love being a mom, and my weekdays will stay pretty much the same for a while, my weekends will be killer. I rely on Tim. I do not know how people who lose spouses make it through. I already feel as though I have lost a part of myself, which is of course, totally irrational. I definitely have a new respect for my Grandmother. Especially when the loss is sudden, like our separation has been. So, I will keep myself busy in order to cope... like I do.

a Handy Manny job

Since we made the decision to sell, we have had to do a lot of packing, and a few odd jobs around the house to make it a little more appealing. Though we will be one of the lucky ones who get to either short sell their home, or foreclose, though hopefully the former... So, we won't be doing much fixing up, we still want to make the house appealing. Let's see how this goes.
Here is my super man doing super jobs. Or, as Mac would say "We have a Handy Manny job to do"

It is tiring work.

Babysitting for Stacey

I babysat in exchange for my newest super chic haircut. I love bartering, and trades. I took this opportunity for a different set of child stars to grace my blog. Stacey was complaining that she doesn't have enough shots of her girls, so I did a couple. We had a bunch of fun in the backyard.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

In a cage

I have been packing like a crazy woman during this countdown until Tim goes. So, while I was packing, and Aubrey was in her bed, Mac wanted to join her. I have packed up a majority of the stuff we can do without. This will be like staying at a hotel, but in my own home. So not exciting.

Killing me softly

It's been a whirlwind of a week. Tim did some soul searching, and found that he was getting really unhappy with where he was vocationally. He really knows how much I want to be home with my babies, and sort of understands the pull of motherhood. I think he also knows how blissful things are when I am home during the summers, and this school year has been particularly hard on Tim and I.

While I feel the best I ever have with my job, it is becoming second nature, I feel like I do not see my husband ever. The sleep deprivation is really doing a number on Tim, and we have just begun to realize how much our lives really suck. Though of course, the don't. What I mean is that we are both living like single parents, except on the weekend.

So, he has decided to take a job in Austin Texas so that our lifestyle will improve. I don't know what the chances of that actually are, but at the very least, this should not be a replication of our lives here. We have the knowledge now to start over and be successful... but I miss him already. Even though he has a very juvenile sense of humor, he still can make me smile. He dotes on me, I think... and I love him so much. I think the kids will be ok. They won't even remember this time in their lives, and will adapt quickly. I am going to be a mess. An absolute disaster.

I love that man.

Love at Home

I have really been trying to savor the time I have with my two kids. Time doesn't slow down for anyone, and find that being a working mom is very taxing for me. My home is so much happier in the summertime, and I think that it is just the natural order of things... Maybe it's silly of me to think so, but I still don't have much time for my children, and practically no time for my husband.

This makes me treasure those moments at home all the more.

Sneak Peak at Church

Shame on me, but my family is so precious.

2 year old photographer

I've been shopping 3 days a week, because it's hard to get it all done in one day to get the kind of deals I have been getting. So, I need a way to keep my kids occupied. This is Mac's catalogue of our shopping excursions so far this week. I think he has such potential as an artist. You know, the kind that just slog paint at a canvas.