Saturday, October 30, 2010

Killing me softly

It's been a whirlwind of a week. Tim did some soul searching, and found that he was getting really unhappy with where he was vocationally. He really knows how much I want to be home with my babies, and sort of understands the pull of motherhood. I think he also knows how blissful things are when I am home during the summers, and this school year has been particularly hard on Tim and I.

While I feel the best I ever have with my job, it is becoming second nature, I feel like I do not see my husband ever. The sleep deprivation is really doing a number on Tim, and we have just begun to realize how much our lives really suck. Though of course, the don't. What I mean is that we are both living like single parents, except on the weekend.

So, he has decided to take a job in Austin Texas so that our lifestyle will improve. I don't know what the chances of that actually are, but at the very least, this should not be a replication of our lives here. We have the knowledge now to start over and be successful... but I miss him already. Even though he has a very juvenile sense of humor, he still can make me smile. He dotes on me, I think... and I love him so much. I think the kids will be ok. They won't even remember this time in their lives, and will adapt quickly. I am going to be a mess. An absolute disaster.

I love that man.

1 comment:

jen said...

Your cute little family. You need to be in those pictures, my dear. I wish I could be there to support you. I'm not a good replacement for Tim but maybe I'm an awesome packer. :)