Originally, my mother-in-law had wanted to do a fun-filled costumer party for my sister-in-law's birthday. What ended up happening, since Uncle Leonard's Memorial Service was on Halloween, was that there was plenty of lounging and food... just the day after. I was sad that we went sans costumes. I thought that was a really cool idea. But alas, no party.
Day 126 - 2 November, 2009
We were raking up all of the pine needles from our tall tall pine trees.
Tim has an interesting sense of humor.
Whatever makes the chores get done!
Day 127 - 3 November, 2009
Just guess whose little mit that is.
Today was a hard day at work, with a big mess from progress reports and online transition, and I could not handle it with all of the stuff going on right now...
So Malcolm helped me put away some of this sugar.
Day 128 - 4 November, 2009
I had so much anxiety that I had a mini-meltdown with my principal at work.
I was fairly useless all day. I did not teach a lick, and when I got home all I did was eat soup, and go to bed.
Day 129 - 5 November, 2009
Since I though I was going to Katie's viewing this day, I made no plans, but when I found out it was family only, it freed me up to make myself sick again. Jenora was so thoughtful to see what I was up to. AND she was an excellent distraction. I helped her make cupcakes for her husband's birthday, and we talked and I got to vent some of my anxieties.
Yeah for thoughtful friends!
Day 130 - 6 November, 2009
After being able to get out how uncanny the comparison between my life and Katie's has been for purposes of me stressing out this week, it was a huge relief to bury those feelings, along with Katie. I just keep thinking about the warnings of doctors with my cardiomyopathy and having more children, and the odds of relapse and uncertainty of the future, how Katie has left her husband with two children, and my heart has just hurt as I have watched my worst fears about my own life being acted out in the life of a friend. I know that the risks are not so bad for me anymore, but the pain is still very real. It has been harder on me than I expected, but I am grateful that I have so much, and am so blessed. I am glad to be regaining my sense of peace.
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