Saturday, October 24, 2009

On Hump Day you should not go around getting too frisky...

Day 114 - 21 October, 2009

I am a commuter.

I live in Norfolk and teach in Chesapeake. That means I travel between 30-45 minutes during my commute, both ways, each day. Lately, the commute in the morning has begun to look like this.

I love a sunrise.

This is one of my few moments of peace during the day, as long as no one is acting crazy out there on the road.

Day 115 - 22 October, 2009

I pledge allegiance.

As predicted, I am sick and tired of hearing D rest A rest A A D rest A D rest rest D A D repeat. Over and over, and over again. What is really grating on my nerves are the handfuls of kids who do not do their work. I feel like they had adequate warning this year, I stressed homework right from the beginning, so my patience for idiocy is very thin.

Day 116 - 23 October, 2009


At one of my schools, I was booed! This rarely happens, and made me feel warm and fuzzy after a torturous week.

The morale committee puts out this little poem with goodies, and the point is to pass it on, so everyone gets a sort of happy gram. Normally I am forgotten, but not this year.

It was very cute, and a great way to end the work week.

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