Thursday, January 22, 2009

Ode to my friend Jen

It's funny that she always knows what to say to make me laugh...(La Parada de autobuses)

Or feel better...(Well at least you didn't...)

She seems to understand what I am saying, even though what I mean is more of a feeling, and I can't wrap words around it...(no, no, I totally get what you mean, it's just like...)

Our worlds seem to run parallel to each other, whether she is near, or far...
She is one of the most humble people I know, and one of the most complimentary (Kirsten, you are not as big as a bus, look at all those stairs you climbed! You're super woman.)

She makes herself sound amazing while putting herself down, I love our hour long conversations! And the updates bout her mom...(Only I would think of something as stupid as... It's not totally dumb, is it? How is that book coming?)

She would be my hero if I I asked... (I felt like punching her in the face, because I knew that's not what you wanted... I almost shouted at the woman! I would watch all of your babies if we lived there... I told her that she's my friend, and I don't want to hear what she has to say about you.)

Weirdos are strangely attracted to her... (your baby is so pretty... {the crack and the heat done got to that one})

Every time I walk into my baby's room, I think of her...

Everything is embarrassing to her, even though she shouldn't be embarrassed...(baby shower, passing out in Salt Lake City Temple, Bearing your testimony about me giving birth, talking about Sarah Palin to people who love her...)

Oh Jen, the stars shine a little brighter on days I talk to you.


Abby O! said...

Tender Jen love! She really is just that amazing. You're a wonderful writer!

jen said...

AWww! Crap it's only 9 in the morning and you've got me crying! to follow up after that?
I should be the one saying Odes to you, my dear. Your friendship means the world to me and I will never be able to repay you for that one day, where a cool chick with long red hair stepped up to me and asked,"do you need a friend?"