Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Infamous City of Livermore

It begins with a baby who thought we were still in Virginia.
For those of you who may be unaware, there is a three hour time difference between VA and CA time. This made our 6:00 a.m. rise and shine actually be a 3:00 a.m. rise and shine. This made my younger brother very happy. Oh, the games we played and the fun we had at 3, and 3:30, at 4:00, and then at 4:30... I think right about then We tried for a nap. OH, a nap....
Then, of course, it was time for introductions... after a decent breakfast of Poached eggs, baked asparagus, and some heavenly sauce. Oh, I miss my father.
So, Mac was introduced to Rafter, who was instantly jealous, and we learned very quickly not to trust him near the baby. Silly growling dog. I think that he was also intimidated. Malcolm being so large in stature and all... Then came the introduction to (Great) Grandma and Grandpa. It gets harder and harder for me to visit them. It seems like they will both live forever. Grandma Jean because she is alive and very well... and Grandad because he's as stubborn as a mule. That man has been dying for 20 years, and not only does he refuse to let go, but Grandma refuses to let him go. It's no wonder that everyone in the family says I am the stubborness of generations combined. But, I must say that I am proud of my Jeans... oh, and my genes too.
So, grandma, is a collector of things. She found a Russian dulcimer. Malcolm loves it. Uncle Will taught him to play... with it...

This was also Malcolm's first time meeting uncle Matt. With uncle Matt comes Charlene. Always quietly in the background, but being cute as a wallflower nonetheless. Matt tried very hard to be the favorite uncle. He even picked out the uncle Christmas present. Way to be cool Matt.

So Christmas! Woot.
Some highlights were...

That Mac loved the bows on the presents.
and leaning on the screen door.

Will loved feeding the baby

(Grand) Mom loves Malcolm...

Malcolm loves the Uncles gift...

Mom loves her cool uncles gift...

Malcolm loves the cats...

All the boys love the little remote control cars that were all on the same frequency which made for much havoc wrought on unsuspecting babies and cats...

Malcolm loves the rocking sheep...

Dad loves Barack Obama...

Matthew does not love to have happy birthday sung to him, when his birthday happens to be in March, thank you very much, but tough luck you're getting your birthday present now...

Oh, and (Grand) Dad LOVES his over under browning shotgun... Bears, birds, deer, and Iranian pomegranate thieves beware...

Yay for a glimpse into our little corner of the world. Alas, I did not get a picture of the duck, turduckin, stuffing, or any of the other rare CA delicacies. Now they are all just memories...

1 comment:

jen said...

I love it. Oh the pictures! Where to begin?? I'm sad that I still have yet to meet your fun parents. I love the picture of your dad already scoping out with his gun. And the cute Malcolm against the screen...hilarious.
Oh and thankyou for calling me a wuss. I really appreciated that.