Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I have a hard time asking for help.

I am a capable person, I can do things without help.

The trouble is that I can't do everything at once.

A man in our ward volunteered his services, and stole a young man from his parents to clean up my yard for selling.

He also helped me to understand that I need to ask for help from other people in the church.

I made a list of everything I need to get done, and he and my friend Tamara have been huge helps.

I am grateful for motivated people who reach out when they see a need.

I am grateful for people who do what they can.

I am humbled by the advice to not be so proud, and to divvy up responsibilities.

1 comment:

Nana Jones said...

A great lesson to learn now rather than later. If you don't learn it willingly, then it is forced upon you later in your life. Not cool! Love you!