Monday, January 18, 2010

Life goes on here, even while there's tragedy elsewhere.

This weeks pictures are featured from my iPhone!

Day 202 - 11 January, 2010


Try as we might, when we took Malcolm out of the car, we could not get him to wake up. It was so funny to me that he wanted to stay asleep, upright, upside down, drooped over. So, I snapped a photo.

Day 203 - 12 January, 2010

Mama, Clapper!

I didn't realize that Mac is understanding his colors, until he found these clappers in my student prize bag. He loves to shakey shakey the clappers.

What a proud mama I am that he picked up the red, blue, and green ones!

Day 204 - 13 January, 2010

Winter=Warm Socks

I love my wool socks to keep my feet warm on our chilly wood floor. We still need to insulate under the house, along with a bunch of fixer upper things that need to happen. But, winter is for snuggling, and I do so love warm socks, and a fuzzy blanket to cozy up with.

Day 205 - 14 January, 2010

Shame on You!

I had another prenatal appointment today. I have, alas, gained a lot of weight. I gained a lot in the beginning, so I am not so worried about the baby's size, as my midwife mentioned could be an issue if I gain too much. Hopefully I only gain a few more. Working out would help, But I would have to go early some days, and Tim doesn't like that idea. I may just have to say "tough". This bust was giving me the shame on you look as I was leaving, so I caught him in the act. Their new office is hysterical. But, hopefully next time I will be in the actual midwifery center.

Day 206 - 15 January, 2010

The office

This is my belly's eye view of the mess that is my desk right now. We're testing, or we had been, so things have been pretty crazy. I am getting a student teacher starting up next week, and am way excited. I hope that things work out well between us. It's probably silly to be excited, but I think that this may really help me out this year.

Day 207 - 16 January, 2010

Watering Cans.

I am participating in a craft exchange project online, and my photos came in so that I could finish it. I hope they turned out cute, as they are not what I originally envisioned. My original vision included tin, and modge podge. It didn't work. So, this was the way I came up with to display these great photos I took. I hope my partner likes it.

1 comment:

Nana Jones said...

I want to be your partner! My partner and I have already done our exchange. I have been thinking on what to do for the next one. Your pictures are great!