Friday, May 29, 2009

What's brown and sticky?


I love that joke. :-)

I am feeling sappy and sentimental right now. I just watched 27 Dresses while waiting up for my husband to come home. He's getting off late, and I don't think I'm going to make it til midnight. We always joke that I'm going to turn into a pumpkin.... I think I just might.

I think I got my storybook romance...

Except that I married a very unromantic, ultra-logical and practical kind of guy.

We still have plenty of drama, and he still loves me.

I just wish we had pictures together.

Some days it makes me sad that I'm forever the one behind the camera, and there's rarely a photo with the two of us in it.

At least he has a sense of humor... however crude.

I love my big lug. I miss him now that he works evenings again. It's funny that when we met he worked 3rd shift, and even through the tough times when we worked a few jobs a piece, he's worked late into the night.

This seems to be a recurring theme in our lives. He does so much for our family, and while it is great that child care will be practically a non-issue, I still miss my little moments of romance. I get swept off my feet occasionally, but my days of feeling like a princess are becoming fewer and farther between. It's not even because of our one year old! I am so glad he enjoys his new job, and promotion. I teach, he does technology. We own a house, we have a baby. We can pay our bills, we have a yard. All that's missing is a puppy! Sappy Sappy me. I'll just sit here and be a hopeless romantic by myself.

Someday they'll let him come back home. Meanwhile, midnight fast approaches.

While I wait for my prince to come, I'll have to try not to leave any glass slippers behind.

Mushy love stuff isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Maybe I should trade in my flowers for a broomstick.

Huh, something brown and sticky, just my bag.

1 comment:

jen said...

hehee, I love the word play. This blog is so sweet. It makes me want to curl up to a good mushy book or movie. :)
I'm sorry that you don't get to see your hubby very much anymore. *sigh* One day life will be perfect, right?? It happens all the time in movies, so why not real life??
ps-I always love reading your blogs. I always find myself in a very retrospect mindset after reading them.