Sunday, November 23, 2008

Teeth and steps and turkey

So, Turkey Day is fast approaching, and lots of family is arriving shortly. With all of this holiday excitement, and an amazing growing baby, I have so much to be thankful for. I am grateful for a healthy little boy. He is trying so hard to walk, and always wants to be standing. He loves Jack's Big Music Show, and dances to the music. He is so cute!

He is also getting teeth, and I am thankful that I have never been bitten. He chews on his hands as his growing tooth itches, but he will not bite that which feeds him. He's so sweet. It's funny to me that the sound for mommy is still panting and snorting. That's how I know he wants to eat mama's milk. He also will complain if you don't respond back to him when he is talking to you. The dadas and mamas are plentiful, and hopefully he will use words soon instead of snorting at me. I feel like he's a bull getting ready to charge. But, he always has so much to say.

My husband loves this time of year, mostly for the fun things, and the buying frenzies. But, I am sure he is thankful for our little guy too. We've had some hard times, but I really think that our prayers have been answered from day 1. So, I am also grateful for 19 cent a pound turkeys too, that we are provided for. Yay for a full belly and two cute men. Life couldn't be better in our little home.


LeAnn said...

Did you get your invite? I think I remembered your e-mail correctly.

I love that little Malcolm!!! So cute! Jeremy was really surprised that he's almost walking and he sooo much younger than Baby Kirsten. he he

Abby O! said...

Woot for not getting bitten! What a good little boy! :D

heidigoseek said...

amen on the full bellies and two cute men...all under the same roof:)