Saturday, November 29, 2008

Family Photos

I am so grateful for my family. I love photography, and really love this medium to express both of these loves at the same time. As this season kicks off, it makes me happy to dedicate the time to cooking, and trying new things, to watch my husband go decoration crazy, to have people over and share the wealth, and to just appreciate the life i live. So, some family came into town, and we had a hundred pictures taken. So, I thought I would share the wealth. I love that my son looks like a lighter version of his cousin Michael. (Helpful hint, just click to enlarge the picture if you want to see our ugly mugs up close)

These are three of the shots we decided to do Christmasy. It had all of the kids in it, from top to bottom, left to right it goes : Morgan, Mark, Mariah, Elena, James, Michael, Malcolm. Aren't they so cute? I bet every one of them is plotting on how to make Santa good to them this year, especially Malcolm.

I love his smile, he is always so excited. Every smile is almost a laugh, and now that he searches the house for me, and says mama, it is even cuter that his face lights up when he sees me. Not that he wasn't cute before, but look at that little guy! Can't you just picture him bouning up and down saying mamamamamama.

Oh, and on a side note, I am still incredulous that the sitter at the "Y" gave my 8 month old a graham cracker. For all she knew he could have been exclusively breast fed. Aren't they trained not to give babies food unless the parents o.k. it? Thank goodness my kid loves food, and isn't allergic to gluten. She even had the nerve to say "It really entertained him, but it took him forever to eat!" Well, duh lady. it was his first taste of hard food. I am sure he loved the way it felt on those emerging teeth, but he's gumming it for crying out loud. So I laughed about it later. Thank goodness I am not terribly uptight. I know some people who would have let her have what for. So, on that silly side note, my baby is becoming less and less baby like by the second. Tomorrow, he'll be driving.

Now, because I want you to look ridiculous while looking at these pictures, so that you turn your head sideways to see them, here are some of the three of us. If you have a favorite, please tell me, because I am deciding which one I want to get a mural of and post across my entire living room wall. (Not really, but it's gonna be big!)

Oh, and in case you ever wondered about the extended family, here's a taste of wat's on Tim's side, and by a taste I mean less than a tenth. None of my relatives by blood are in this shot but baby Mac, and well, I guess I should count Tim. But here is a thought. I think we are a pretty mixture of colors... But, I could not believe how red-headed my son looks. Poor kid, dark-skinned, red-headed, and green eyed. He will have a temper like the gods, and a stubborn streak to match his mama's. And that's saying something.

Here's to Variety, the spice of life!


heidigoseek said...

when my headache goes away from looking at the pics sideways...maybe then i'll be able to pick my favorite:)
they all look great to me!

Abby O! said...

The pics look great! Did you set up and take all these? Malcolm is too adorable!