Thursday, July 24, 2008

Water in the Streets

Oh, what a fun time we've had!

Yet another fun pool day for our family.

Malcolm is splashing and kicking and playing a lot, and Tim is swimming properly for a change. They both really seem to be into it, and I love being pool side and not having to guard the waters for treacherous movements.

Although with Malcolm in with his cousin baby James, I'm not sure that there isn't treachery afoot, but hair eating is all in good fun, isn't it?

So, after our water adventure, and much fun had by our amazing baby...

The stormy season seems to be yet again upon us.

Lightning struck cars, flooded roads, and felled trees in the road seem to have tried to keep me from the Haines' home, but I emerged victorious, and made it safely there. Now, if the power will stay on long enough for me to write this blog, we'll be in good shape. I was just not meant to go running today!

But, I did end up able to teach my swimming lessons this morning, in spite of a creepy critter that made it's way up from the summery bay beaches. I think our molting soft--shelled visitor was too hot Oceanside, and decided to take a refreshing dip in the pool. The kids loved looking at the yummy looking crab. I, however, have had foot fiascos with said varmits before, and would not care to be pinched by another. I escaped unscathed, but I must say that these summer days seem to be more full than when school is in session.

As long as lightening does not strike my car, rubber tires be damned, than I think I will be sitting back and watching the storm pass from the comfort of a pool, or the shade of a tree.

Wait a minute!

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