Thursday, July 10, 2008


I had a beautiful childhood flashback today.

It was back to a time when my daddy would paint my nails,
and run after us to give us a motorboat.
I think that some people call it a zerbert,
or some such thing...

But, what I do know is that when I
put a motorboat on my baby's belly today,
he laughed and squealed with such glee
that I was convinced
that it was the best moment in the world.

I love the tender mercies of the Lord, and the sweet and precious moments afforded to me in this life. I was puttering around doing a whole lot of nothing when it hit me that I have a little over a month left until I go back to work, and since I have wanted so desperately to be a mom, that I should do what it is I am supposed to do.

So, I spent over an hour of this evening discovering what sorts of things make a 3 month old happy. There never was such joy as this. I am so glad that my husband and I prayed about having this child. I feel as though a sort of promise has been fulfilled. I am better, and we have a happy and healthy son. Thank God.

So, we play and play and play some more...
I go outside and work out to get rid of this baby fat around my hips and get back in shape, and now that things are sort of settling in, I am really in love with my life.

1 comment:

The Martineaus said...

Kirsten, you have a beautiful family! Are you LDS? I'm LDS, and I also developed peripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM). I recently wrote the Wikipedia article about it:

I would love to talk to you more about it. Here's my email:

I'm a member of an amazing support group for women with PPCM: Hope you join!

Please email me!