Between in store savings, VIC prices, sales, and coupons I saved twice as much as I spent on this week's shopping trip. I LOVE it when a well planned shopping excursion works out well.
Day 312 - 1 May, 2010
What better way to spend a beautiful spring day in anticipation of our coming arrival, than pigging out on ice cream?! But this is not just an ice cream. This is custard and iced yummy goodness, and and delicious.
Day 313 - 2 May, 2010
Can you tell that these two are related?
These two are exactly 4 weeks apart, and share half of their genes.
I can see the relations and think it is adorable that they play together now.
Day 314 - 3 May, 2010
There was this funny sprinkler thing in the Williams' garage.
Mac didn't know what to think of it at first, but he grew to love running through the sprinklers.
Sorry I am so short in my descriptions...Fatigue has set in.
Day 315 - 4 May, 2010
The zoo
Cannot figure out how to turn it... it looks right in my editor.
Cute picture at the zoo.
Love giraffes.
The End.
Day 316 - 5 May, 2010
Spending a lot of time tired.
I sat outside while Mac ran around.
I found myself staring at these weird end tables.
Like the legs?
Not me.
Day 317 - 6 May, 2010
Another sideways shot.
This is on a botanical gardens tour.
I am spending a lot of time outdoors, trying to get things going with the pregnancy.
No such luck.
With the due date tomorrow and mom coming tomorrow... I am ready, and willing.
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