Day 68 - 6 September, 2009
I'm so glad when daddy come home.
Malcolm loves it when daddy comes home, and so I caught him running to the door screaming "DADDY! DADDY! DADDY!"
I just wish he got so excited when I come home.
Doing the laundry.
I still get more help than I can stand with household chores, when I actually feel like doing them lately. I love that my little man loves to be snug inside things still. I think it makes him feel secure.
I have decided that it is a bad idea for me to start a book if it is not a weekend, or a vacation week. I fear that I neglected everything around me because I could not put this book down.
I absolutely loved it, and read it in a day!
I suggest it to everyone. Thanks Tamara for the borrow.
I love Jenora Weedman. I love our playdates, though we don't have them often enough. She made us a wonderful pasta dinner, and I totally need to invite her over soon. I love this picture because the two boys are both playing with brooms, and both making a silly face. I just wish my kid would play nice.
I really love pasta with butter and cheese. I went outside to grab some, and all our noodles were bug infested. This made me very sad. The store made me very happy. So did these noodles.
Hot Cocoa day.
I do not have any sweet remembrances for this day.
Nor any special words to commemorate the anniversary of this tragic event those years back.
All I have is a photo of my hot cocoa. I indulge when I feel rotten. I am angry. (no I am not going to explain why) I am tired. I need my fix.
Thank you Jen for listening to my rant.
It has been a week for indulgences. I do not feel like eating. The thought makes me feel yucky. BUT, I have been STARVING. No, I did not eat this cereal for breakfast, or snack, or my second snack, or lunch, or my third snack, or my fourth snack, or my dinner, or my dessert, but for my post-dessert-getmethroughthenight snack.
Patriot's Sprint.
I love triathlons.
The swim was fun, despite the sun in our eyes. My belly is starting to get in the way, so not only did I embarrass myself trying to get on my bike by falling twice, before I had to ensure the timer that I really did know how to ride a bike (which messed up my gears), but it was really hard to kick it into high gear with my body out of sorts. I am glad I had the energy, but I felt so slow on my bicycle. The run I did at an 11 minute pace, which is super slow... But, I finished with a few cuts and bruises (mostly to my ego). I understand why most women stop tri ing somewhere in trimester 2, but I didn't expect it to effect me so much so early on. Good thing I love this stuff!
Band aids.
I ended up needing to replace my bandages at work. I thought I'd let you see a bit of my silliness. There are three places like this from yesterday.
I am not showing you my poor feet.
I am such a klutz.
One of these days I'll get my grace back.
1 comment:
Awww! Cute Kirsten! I love your posts! Poor Kirsten, for the cuts. :( How you manage to always hurt yourself, I will never know...
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