My latest obsession.
Since lately I can barely find enough energy to clean (my poor poor son), I have been back to the realm of paper and ink. Oh, how I have missed obsessing about characters in a book. The inkheart series was a particularly fun read, as I have often imagined being sucked into a book. Highly recommended for anyone else trying to excape reality, or just too lazy to do anything more than turn pages.
An apple a day.
Ever sit in the shower, just thinking to yourself, "it would be really nice to have an apple right now." ? Well, good! Then you are not alone.
At his royal highness's request, his snack was served in his bath, so he could both play in the water, and satiate that evening craving.
Like father, like son.
Malcolm loves his lawn mower.
Malcolm loves to imitate daddy.
It's amazing what bonds two men together.
Thankfully this time it was chores.
Another day at the pool.
Instead of another boring pool shot, I decided that the hall leading there looked like a pretty neat shot. I enjoy all of the YMCA posters leading down the long hallway to the pool, and invariably Mac will comment on them. "Ball!" "baby!" or some such thing.
I thought it was an interesting perspective, especially seeing the door at the end of the hallway, or light at the end of the tunnel, as it were.
Messy face Banks.
I am glad to not have to feed him anymore.
I am not so glad that I still have to clean up.
Child care.
While I dream of being a stay at home mom...
Well, I get the joys of dropping my kid off with someone else.
I am glad there are people here htat I trust.
Here is the quaint little home of Mac's twice a week care.
Oh the fun he has!
Expert photographer.
The photo Malcolm took of himself beates any I could have taken.
The violin.
While we're still in the honeymoon stages of class, the students seem to be enjoying their musical experience with me.
I snuck this shot of one of my kids as she was packing up and cleaning her instrument.
I do hope they enjoy it.
I sure do, I love getting to play all day!
In an effort to add variety to my photos, ie not so many of my kid, I have chosen the fish as my subject for the photo of the day, and not y child feeding them (which is incredibly cute). I visited the home of my best friend's from high school parents. Their home is beautiful, and their landscaping is incredible.
She's so beautiful.
If we could all be so lucky...
Not a care in the world.
I am not going to say much about this shot.
I just want you all to notice how carefree he looks in his environment.
As lazy as I have been lately, I could not be so carefree. Oh the envy I have.