This was Malcolm's first go at roller skating, and he took it very seriously. He wanted to do it just like Ni Hao Kailan. Two hands, then one hand, then all by myself. By the end, he wouldn't let anyone help him, and he considered himself an expert.
They have the beginner skated that fit over your shoes for Malcolm's age. It's got the single wheel in front, but is like a tricycle in back with three additional wheels.
I am a pretty good roller skater, if I do say so myself. While I am not as good as my cousin (who is a roller derby chick), I can definitely hold my own, and still can skate backwards. Man, I wish I had worn make-up that day.
This was a great time. In the last 5 minutes, I was putting Aubrey's jacket on her and I turned around to see Malcolm and he was waist deep into one of those toy grabber machines. He thinks he is Buzz Lightyear, and was having a Toy Story moment where he thought he needed to check the claw. He seriously climbed up into that machine, and if I had turned around a moment sooner, I would have been on the news for child neglect, or something. He nearly gave me a heart-attack, and nearly got stuck. He was a little put out, and started crying once his Ganya scolded him. I still don't think he understands. What a perfect way to end a great evening.