Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Tuckered out.

What, with the busy-ness of this time of year, and reading books, and trying on daddy's socks, and mommy trying to go crazy and run a half marathon, well, we're all tuckered out.

I was so glad that my best friend could come out and share in the craziness. We LOVED the run, and the cool after run swag. I don't know how I ever managed life without exercise. In fact, I have always had it in one form or another, what I mean to say, is I don't know how I ever managed life fat. I used to lift weight like a body builder, dance, spin, swim, you name it... But, I have never been in this kind of cardiovascular shape before. I feel so good!

And Jen came out, after all that training, and so kicked my butt. It was so fun to play, and play, and run, and play. I haven't laughed like that in a while. Oh, I miss my friend.

We ran 13.1 miles in under 2:30. We met our goal, and felt amazing doing it. Amidst work, and play, I have managed to make 100% turn around from last year. It has been an amazing ride. But man, I am tuckered out.


jen said...

i only kicked your butt because of the altitude change. oh, and i love the silly pics...hurray for even MORE strange faces pics that are out there, of me on the interwebs. ;)

Our family said...

That is so awesome Kirsten! After giving birth, literally before having some bleeding-out complications, the nurse that was helping me was really encouraging and kept comparing what I'd done to running a marathon, so I've decided I'm going to. Because I'm big on baby steps, I'll probably just be doing the Turkey trot first. =D