Saturday, October 18, 2008

Here's looking at you kid.

So, Last weekend was camping, and wonderful and worry free, while this weekend was over 100 violins who can't sightread for hours on end. If you can imagine torture, well... this was it. So, last weekend was calm and relaxing while this weekend was cats mewling in desperation for their lives. Did I mention they were 7th and 8th graders? During the week was much of the same... me trying to get to the YMCA, and life not letting me. I really want to get in shape, but almost doesn't count. Meanwhile, I am the relief society music director now... I am not sure what that means, aside from picking the Sunday hymns, and I got a phone message about doing something for church tomorrow, only I have no idea what that something is. Oh goody, this will be fun!

So, the only not so fun thing about camping (though it may be a coincidence), is that the day after we got home, a mysterious rash appeared. Tim swears his were only mosquito bites, but he had them around his ankles, I had them in patches all over,and poor Mac's cheeks are this bumpy splotchy red. It's terrible! Though he is still cute with spots, his cheeks are no longer that irresistable baby smooth.

With fall finally upon us, I have to get crackin' on those windows that I am fixing. All the ones on our house. Blast! I have no time! Not only do I have to do that, but I also have to work out, and I am still in terrible shape... So, we'll see how this goes. I think that keeping the heat in the house is more of a priority than getting myself in shape for right now though Alas. Fat is good on you for the winter time, right? Nice layers of insulation to keep you warm. So maybe I won't do either, and I'll turn into a bear and go hibernate somewhere.

But, I do these things because I love my family (and myself). I love my husband, I love my baby, and Tim and I make lots of sacrifices for Malcolm these days. I think he makes us better people. It's funny that he does it naturally. He doesn't know it yet, but he was a good idea. We like him!

Here's looking at you kid.


jen said...

My dear, you are in more lovely shape than you know! Though I may not see you at all, I get to see your lovely pictures and how beautiful and happy you look in ALL of them. AND seeing that you ran an 8min mile?? Yeah...I think you're in MUCH better shape than you let on. You are right about one thing, though. Malcolm still looks freaking cute even with his little rash. No fair. How can kids do that?

heidigoseek said...

i agree with jen...malcom is so stinkin cute with that rash...anyway you know you're a hot mama, YMCA or not!