Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What do McDonald's, a noreaster, and a campfire have in common?

They are all a part of my week!

So, aside from already taking 3 sick days, and it's not even October yet, life is just peachy.

P e a c h y keen! (for jen's benefit, because I know she wouldn't understand what I was typing, unless I spelled it out ;-) )

So, in all sorts of attempts to make our baby happy, well, really just to keep busy, we've done all sorts of crazy things!

Like being bored at work.

Or wearing bunny slippers out to play cuz mommy thinks they're cute! (because they have ears!)

Who's up for a rousing game of where's baby?

waking up in a tent :)bundled up in the rain!

in time out in the tent for eating pine needles.

on mommy! on daddy!

trying to figure out fire.

meeting the devil at the white house

hangin' in the woods hangin' with the older, smaller cousin Jamie.

hangin' with the keys in "therapy"

Oh, and just hangin'!

Phew! One of these days we'll do nothing...


jen said...

I love it! What fun blogs you have. yOu shouled teach me your
awesomeness. We miss you guys so much!! *sigh* I'm glad you take so many pics. It makes me feel like I'm almost caught up with what's going with you guys...almost. sidenote: the "goodie twoshoes" song goes great with these pics. oh...and it's true. I wouldn't have had any idea what you meant, if you hadn't spelled out the P.e.a.c.h.y k.e.e.n

heidigoseek said...

When you have one of those "nothing" days...let me now what its like:)
I owe Tim a dessert...I haven't forgotten!