Friday, August 22, 2008

Summer's End

The past two weeks have, of course, passed the quickest. With my mom in town (and the Twilight series to finish), we played our way through one week, and then with clean up and a trip to D.C. we sped through this week with our usual finesse.

Mom got to see how fun pool time really is, and of course, just to play with our baby.

I finally got my hair cut, and now all I need is a good beach day (Sunday here I come!) If poor Melissa hadn't gotten sick, she may have joined us, but while she will be spending her time recovering from gall bladder surgery, I will be lazing away at the beach.

So, while I wasn't able to do any temple work, little Mac and I basked in the glory of our temple while papa got the perks of the spirit on the inside. I am so bummed out that our summer temple trip was like that, but I have high hopes for the fall.

Time always goes so fast this time of year... But I will try to hang on to every moment home that I can. As long as Malcolm is happy like he was at the Little Gym, then all is right with the world... Right?


jen said...

awwww...i miss you all so much! What fun you are always having with that little boy of yours! You should stop. It's making me feel like a horrible mother. ;) I hope all is well with you all and hope that I can get a hold of you this week. I have a feeling you are going to be a busy bee.

Heather said...

You have Malcolm in a Little Gym class?? How fun! I used to always take the kids I nannied for to the Little Gym for classes. I'm super jealous that you got to go with your little one.