Day 149 - 24 November, 2009

Teddy Bears
Sometimes you just need to cuddle.
I wonder if this need is deep-rooted from our childhood...
There's something deeply satisfying from snuggling up.
Something secure.
On lazy days, or sick days, some days you just need your teddy bear.
Day 150 - 25 November, 2009

Tis the season for dessert.
I like making pies, and while I didn't use it, I think I have stumbled upon the perfect pie crust, at least for open faced pies. I've still got to work on my apple pies, but I hope to have more time for that during winter break.
(pictured: sweet potato, pumpkin, sweet potato with pecan glaze, and chess)
Day 151 - 26 November, 2009

Yeah for Thanksgiving football.
I used to have mostly guy friends, I used to ove to hang out with my dad, I only have brothers, and no sisters. I love everything BOY. But, for whatever reason, people don't take that seriously and insist that I don't need to know things like "the rules to football" or other such "manly" things. One day they'll take me seriously. I do so love boys.
Day 152 - 27 November, 2009

When there's a crispness in the air, and the seasons change, it brings the thrill that comes with seasonal shift.
Falling leaves,
pumpkins and squashes,
and snuggling indoors.
I love it when the seasons change, and I love the holiday season.
Day 153 - 28 November, 2009

The Telephone
We had a second Thanksgiving with my in-laws and ended up staying the night. It was so fun, and we did a lot of reminiscing... There was a point when we tried calling family, and couldn't find the phones. But, I found them. I am so grateful for he invention of the telephone. My family lives on the other coast, and without this wonder, it would take so long to spread any news, or to discuss life, or ask advice.
Day 154 - 29 November, 2009

The linger longer social after church today was pumpkin themed.
Tis the season for pumpkins.
I love pumpkin bread
pumpkin cheesecake
pumpkin pudding
pumpkin bars
and oh yes, pumpkin hummus.